Crossbreed #1 : Season 3 spoilers with 2 Bandits!
Today it’s a very special episode: the first in our series of Crossover/Crossbreed shows! And who better to share our love of the Australian show Bluey with than two Americans. Say G’day to Greg and Mike of the 2 Bandits Watching Bluey podcast! But listener beware – we delve into uncharted territory at the Bandits request: We talk about the first episode of Season 3 : Bedroom! While we try to dance around it, there are mild spoilers for this fantastic new episode. We know we know, not all of the world has gotten to see it yet, but we loved teasing the guys about whats in store for them as well as learning a bit about our cultural differences. Warning #2: There is so much banter in this episode, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a show about Bluey. Enjoy this extended special edition episode!